The Team
Currently the team consists of Tash, the primary beekeeper, with others brought in on a casual basis as required. You might also get to meet Kaine over honey harvest season when some extra muscle is required to help lift those full honey boxes, or at different markets and events.
Tash has been a beekeeper on a relatively small scale since Kaine brought her a hive for Christmas in 2019. She originally started learning about her hive through mentoring, youtube clips and reading, but her new found passion took her back into the classroom to complete her Level 3 Apiculture certificate and DECA in 2022. The number of hives quickly escalated when the opportunity arose to purchase Hives Manawatu from local beekeeping legend and founder Paul Jenkin.

The Business
Hives Manawatu is a small family owned and operated business based in the Manawatu. We fulfill the need for professional beekeeping services in the urban area, doing all of the hard work for you while you get to sit back and enjoy the nourishment the bees bring to your backyard.
We are passionate about looking after the bees, so they can do what they do best, to look after us. We also love food! everything from being able to grow it ourselves, through to cooking and enjoying a delicious meal with those around us - and bees play such a huge part of this process.
Looking after the bees environment is also very important to us, so we have carefully selected packaging that can be recycled or repurposed. All of our honey is packaged in glass jars, with label that can easily be peeled off.
We truely value the opportunity to apart of producing delicious food through pollination & honey harvesting, as well as providing natural skin care support with our beeswax balm range.